Barrier Log
The logarithmic barrier \(b(x)\) is one of the most classic functions used to regularise other functions. It depends on a parameter \(h\) chosen such that \(b(h)=1\), moreover for this barrier \(b(0)=\infty\) and \(b(\infty)=0\). The function \(b\) is defined as
Barrier LogExp
An evolution of the previous barrier is the LogExp barrier, which has the same properties of the Log barrier, that is, it depends on a parameter \(h\) chosen such that \(b(h)=1\), moreover for this barrier \(b(0)=\infty\) and \(b(\infty)=0\). The difference is that this one grows faster to infinity for \(x\to 0\). The function \(b\) is defined as
Barrier Log0
This last barrier has a small difference with respect to the previous two logarithmic barriers, it is identically zero for \(x\geq h\). Setting the tolerance \(h\), it is defined as